Group | 6G Space-Air-Ground-Sea Integrated Networks Laboratory

Current Members

    Research Assistant Professor

      Zheng Wang (Ph.D.: George Mason University, United States)

    Postdoctoral Fellows

      Syed Agha Hassnain Mohsan (Ph.D.: Zhejiang University, China)

      Abeer Mohamed Eltegany Mohamed Elalim (Ph.D.: Shandong University, China)

    Ph.D. Students

      Xiangyu Li (Master: Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)

      Caiguo Li (Master: Shenzhen University, China)

      Zhuhang Li (Master: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

    Research Assistants

      Zefu Gao (Master: Space Engineering University, China)

    Research Interns

Join Us


Eastern Institute for Advanced Study (EIAS) is a construction preparation organization of Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Ningbo (Tentative). EIT is a new research-based university under active construction. It is invested by Yu Renrong Education Foundation and supported by Zhejiang Provincial Government and Ningbo Municipal Government. It aims to be “high-level, innovative and international” and to build a teaching staff, management team, teaching and scientific research environment according to the world-class standards. It plans to establish four discipline groups of science, engineering, information and business as well as characteristic humanity and society discipline, emphasizing the simultaneous development of basic research and applied research, highlighting the cross-integration of disciplines, devoting itself to building a talent training system with international standards and characteristics of Eastern Institute of Technology, and training top-notch innovative talents with “solid foundation, innovative ability, deep concern for the family and the country, and international vision”.

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